In a nonpc study Freewheel shows that the Xbox 360 has a hold on videos. Freewheel, an online video ad company, creates this study but it does come with caveats. Mainly the fact the videos that are being counted is professional content that has ads. So that means it?s counting stuff from companies like NBC, CBS, ESPN and Vevo, but not YouTube cat videos. It?s also not measuring Netflix usage. On the other hand, this isn?t a poll or sample, but data compiled by the company?s own ad servers.
So it?s possible there?s some variance here with the larger Web video world, but it seems reasonable to assume that this is at least directionally correct. At the very least, it gives credence to Microsoft?s claim that Xbox users are spending more time watching videos on the machines than playing games, and that its deals with conventional TV programmers may be bearing fruit.
And it shows you how much ground Google will need to make up as it gets ready to relaunch its Google TV. The same has to be said for Apple, if and when it ever gets serious about transforming Apple TV into something other than a ?hobby.?
So do you own an Xbox 360? Are you watching more videos on the machine or playing more video games. I will be honest lately my 360 has been more of a Netflix and HBO GO player. Although those videos don’t count in this study it is interesting that I haven’t been using it as a gaming console lately.