So times are a changing. When I was a kid, if you bought a Nintendo Game Boy to school, they took it away from you. Then there was the time my mom grounded me because she thought my Nintendo playing affected my grades. But now, Nintendo comes to elementary schools.
So I think I should explain. These aren’t Game Boys or consoles, or Wii’s, but they’re Labo Kits. They make these IT support education sets out of cardboard. Here, you can make all kind of things. However, that’s the idea: to get kid’s creative and tech mind’s flowing. And these ideas are flowing right into the classroom.
But not all classrooms. In fact, only certain elementary schools in New York City will get these Labo Kits. Nintendo will ship these kits to around 2,000 kids between grades 3-5. We can thank the Institute of Play for this. That’s a NYC non-profit organization the encourages education through play. So it makes sense for them to start this experiment in the New York City area. And keep in mind right now, that’s all this is. Teachers will also play along. To do so, they’ll get a Nintendo Labo Teacher Guide. This will also have sample lessons for the kids. This is all part of what they call the STEAM courses.
So NYC will be the base. But Nintendo’s plan is to extend this system to 100 schools in the US. They plan to do this by March 2019. Nintendo will give the kits and switches to these schools. This website will explain more about Labo Kits more than I can. But let’s face it, IT service is the future. And this upcoming generation needs be equipped for what’s ahead. These kits help do that. That’s how Nintendo comes to elementary schools. Did you ever think you would see a day when Nintendo comes to elementary schools?