So they rush a woman with stage 4 breast cancer to the hospital. Also, her lungs are drowning in her own fluid. Google AI gives her less than 20% chance of living to see the following week. Unfortunately, they were right. Because she passes away three days after her rush to the hospital. Can Google predict your death?
So now, Google uses health-care data and AI software to predict someone’s health. This includes hospital stays, chances of recovery, and even chances of death. One way Google can do this is by going through your health data, no matter how old. And they have the IT support and technology just about there. In fact, they’re even working on predicting symptoms and diagnosis. Now, they’re trying to peddle this IT service to hospitals and medical facilities all over the country.
However, it will not be easy. Others company and their creations, like IBM’s Watson, tried AI medical predictions. But they had little, if any, success. Even Google is having a hard time with certain aspects of this, like obtaining medical records. These records are sensitive documents to everybody: the patients, the hospitals, the insurance companies as well as the hospitals. Google is trying to get deals with certain universities to get anonymous medical data. Good luck with that.
Because let’s face it. Some people don’t want their medical data and records in the hands of a robot. I know Google leaders say they’ll do all they can to make sure they run their AI, and make sure the AI don’t run them. However, that’s easier to say than it is to do. I have a feeling when AI takes over, it won’t want to let go. This will include medical records. Do we want to give AI that much power over our life and death? Have we already? Can Google predict your death? Do we want them to?