Okay, let me start off by saying I am very thankful for 21st century computer technology. Let most of you, I depend on it daily. But I read an article that made me think. Is computer technology killing the American Dream?
I say this because things aren’t what they used to be. Did you know that Millenialls are the first generation in US history to do worse than their parents? It’s not their fault. But it’s the world they were given. Also, though more are getting college degrees, they graduate with massive debt. And unlike years past, there is no guarantee they’re going to get a job. What does computer technology have to do with this, if anything?
Well, let’s look at robot technology. In the 21st century, the biggest threat to US jobs isn’t China, India or Mexico. But it’s the robot. I even hear employers say, “I’d rather deal with robots because they don’t make mistakes or give you attitude!” Even workers say that. That is scary. Then look at manufacturing. That was the 20th century. Now, we’re a service economy. We at Computer Geeks are a computer repair AND service company. I’m proud of that. However, that means a place that used to employ 200 people can get away with employing 20. Now, you have dozens, maybe scores, competing for the same jobs.
But there is globalization, and technology really contributed to that one. For example, how many smartphones are made in the USA? Exactly! However, I shouldn’t be too hard on computer technology. Because our industry is what’s keeping Americans working. In fact, technology is what’s keeping Americans from totally falling off the economic cliff. Can you imagine if the computer tech and IT service jobs went away? That’s scary, isn’t it? Nonetheless, with robot and VR technology, it concerns me the impact they could have on the American dream. So I ask you: Is computer technology killing the American dream?