Twitter and Emoji Advertising

The emoji is the new way of expressing oneself. Some are even more powerful than words. I hate to admit it, but it’s true. Social media and advertisers understand this. Twitter and the emoji come together in advertising.

Twitter announces emoji based advertising. We expect this move around July 17. That’s World Emoji Day. Advertisers will use this cartoon emotional icon to target consumers. These consumers often tweet with the emoji. Do you like baseball? Chances are you tweet baseball based cartoons, and maybe symbols of your favorite team (My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox). You’ll be getting a baseball based emoji real soon. You’ll be getting plenty of them. Do you like seafood? Do you tweet seafood emojis? You’ll be hearing from seafood restaurant chains emoji style. The emoji really took off in 2014. In the last two years, over 110 billion emojis have been tweeted. That’s billion with a B! In 2015, Oxford Dictionary declared ’emoji’ the word of the year. A Twitter ad manager said, “”Emojis have become a ubiquitous way for people, publishers, and brands to express their feelings.”

Yesterday, I talked about a spam case. People, and tech companies, felt so bombarded by one man’s span that the man now faces prison time. We don’t have to worry about that here…for now. Advertisers are doing the smart thing. Don’t think this will be limited to Twitter. I’m almost certain other social media sites will follow suit. I use the emoji on Facebook and You Tube often. You can bet countless others do so. But there is a flip side. What goes up must come down. If it goes up in a fast rate, it will come down at a faster rate. The emoji got very hot very quickly. In the future, it will get very cold very quickly. Look at previous trends. That’s my concern here. If I were a Twitter ad executive, I would milk emoji advertising for all I could now. However, I would have enough common sense to know the emoji will fall away soon. How much longer do you think the emoji will last?

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