All Five GOP Candidates Side With FBI

Last night was the last Republican debate before the critical Super Tuesday elections. As you could expect, the five remaining candidates could hardly agreed on anything. But they all agreed to side with the FBI over Apple.

The case of Apple vs FBI was brought up at the debate. Here’s an explanation of that case. When the moderator asked would he initiate a forced Apple compliance, Rubio replied, “Absolutely…their brand is not superior to the national security of the United States of America.” Ted Cruz used his legal knowledge to assure this won’t compromise Fourth Amendment rights. But Cruz believes the FBI order should be enforced when it comes to terrorists like the San Bernadino shooters. John Kasich criticized President Obama for not getting Apple and FBI together and reaching a compromise that would protect the people and ensure our rights aren’t compromised. Dr. Ben Carson fears Apple’s refusal to comply with the order could allow terrorist to think they can get away with things in America. Donald Trump has been the most outspoken of all against Apple. During an interview a week earlier, Trump replied “Who do they think they are?” He said Apple has to open the phone up. So let’s keep GOP score: FBI 5, Apple 0.

It’s not just the GOP that’s siding with Apple. A survey said the majority of the American people side with the FBI as well. Not even Democratic candidates Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders completely side with Apple. They both call for middle ground. So what does Tim Cook need to do to convince people he’s doing the right thing? Remember when people were so outraged when Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations came out in 2013? What happened to that? It sounds like we’ve almost gotten used to our new world. Should Tim Cook just buy some air time to explain his side of the story?

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