Star Wars Waffle

As most of you know, the Star Wars franchise will release it seventh installment, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, in December 2015. Who wants Star Wars for breakfast?

Now you can with the Star Wars waffle. That’s right. For around $30, you can get a waffle maker that produces this breakfast staple in the shape of Death Star. Finally, you can begin your day with the planet destroying menacing military battle station staring at you. For no extra charge, you can imagine which Death Star you want to devour. Will it be the one destroyed by Luke Skywalker and Hans Solo or the one destroyed by Wedge Antilles? I’ll opt for the first one. So if a geek is at the breakfast table yelling, “Your lack of (syrup, Nutella, whip cream, strawberries, sugar powder, etc) disturbs me!”, you can blame it on the Star Wars waffle maker. But wait…there’s more. Why just have Star Wars in the morning when you can take the force all day? For you ladies, this is where these high heel shoes come in. You can be the envy of the club, party, or social gathering of your choice with these Star Wars shoes. They’re only $320 (you can hint the sarcasm there, right?).

The Star Wars waffle is something I wouldn’t mind trying. But come on: Can’t this waffle have more Star Wars icons to offer? This is one of the most successful movie franchises of all-time! They have countless icons to choose from. For example, who wouldn’t want to devour Darth Vadar before facing teachers, bosses, classmates and colleagues? That’s the way to start a day! But let’s talk about these shoes. These clownish, expensive shoes. Well, they’re great for Halloween and Mardi Gras. But would you even want to be caught in shoes like these in bed, much less out on the town?

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