Netflix Maternity Leave

Netflix has changed the way we look at TV shows and movies. Netflix wants to change how we raise and care for our babies.

This week, Netflix introduces perhaps the most radical maternity leave program in United States history. According to a blog written by Netflix Chief Talent Officer Tawni Cranz, new parents can take unlimited maternity leave for the first year after the birth/adoption of their child. That’s right. Whether that be two weeks, or the entire year, that’s the parents’ call. During that year, the new mom and/or dad can come and go as they please, either full or part time. And they’ll get this time off with pay. Cranz believes this will contribute to Netflix’s culture of ‘freedom and responsibility’. That’s the freedom to make your own decision, especially when it comes to personal issues, keeping in mind the responsibilities you still have to the company. ?Netflix also believes this generous maternity leave program will help keep their best employees around and away from competitors. They may be onto something. Yahoo has a very generous maternity leave. So do Facebook and Google. Keep in mind back in the 2000s, Netflix offered free lunch and XBox to keep employees around and working.

Tech companies are leading the way in spoiling their workers rotten. And it’s a beautiful thing. Yes, this maternity leave program can be abused. I’ll give the critics that much. But denying parents the right to be parents is even more abusive. I‘ve heard too many heartbreaking stories of teen and adult children resenting parents because they spent too much time working. I’m glad Netflix and other tech companies are breaking this sad trend. This is a good business move as well as a personal one. In 2015, if a new parent feels they’re being denied family time, there’s nothing stopping them from leaving the company. Is Netflix’s maternity leave program a good thing?

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