Smart Drones and Photography

A company called 3D Robotics Solo is developing a smart drone to revolutionize the photography industry. But you don’t have to be a Hollywood director to get into this act.

All you need is this drone that carries a Go Pro camera and two computers to capture air views that would make James Cameron blush. This drone is expected to be a hot item for the summer and into this Christmas holiday season (let’s just get through summer first; it’s way too early for the C word or H word). Even the Federal Aviation Administration is testing it out for safety purposes. According to 3D Robotics CEO Chris Anderson, it’s all in the software. With the push of a button, the software takes the outdoor shots that rivals what you see in A-list movies. This is targeted to bloggers, You Tube channels, or anybody wanting to take their social media game to the next level. It’s also good for young film students. But there are rules and responsibility when it comes to the 3D Robotics drone. It must be flown within your own visibility. It can’t be above 400 ft. up, nor can it be within five miles from an airport. But here’s the best rule of all for privacy rights advocates: you can’t fly it over other people’s property without their knowledge or approval. Safety is also a major concern. These 3D Robotics Solo drones will run you anywhere between $400-1,000 dollars.

Let’s look pass the prices for a minute. Let’s keep the pressure on when it comes to safety and privacy. The last thing we need are sociopaths using these drones for all the wrong reasons. Look at the way they’re using social media to rip-off, hack, bully, and do goodness knows what else. How do we keep the drone culture safe and secure while keeping it fun and wholesome?

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