Apple Watch Battery Life

One of the most anticipated technological advances of 2015 is the iWatch. With the years of planning and promotion, they shouldn’t leave out a very important detail.

That detail is the Apple Watch battery life. It’s been rumored that the battery will have to be charged nightly, and probably more often than that. The goal in 2014 was to have around 3 hours of active use, 19 hours of passive use and 3 days of standby time, meaning when the watch is on but not being used at all. They’re doing test to break it down even further. They’re targeting 2.5 hours for heavier use like gaming and 3.5 hours of casual use. When it comes to fitness tracking, the iWatch goal is to go 4 hours in a single charge. Many say battery life is such a major part of the Apple Watch experience that it’s the main reason the release date was pushed from sometime in 2014 to one day in 2015.

I’m glad Apple is taking battery life seriously. I don’t care how cutting edge, new, or revolutionary the device is. I don’t care how much you can do with it, if you have to charge it every second, why bother? Here you have this amazing Apple watch or other device. But when most of your focus is “Where am I going to charge this? I better save the battery juice as long as I can.”, it gets annoying. It can even be costly. I predict the smartwatch will be used not only for personal use, but probably for business as well. And to run out of battery at the wrong time can open a Pandora’s Box to all sorts of problems. I think Apple should make their smartwatch battery life lasts as long as they possibly can. If it means delaying your opening date, I’m sure it’s a delay that’s well worth it. How long do you think the iWatch battery life should be?

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