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NSA Reform Dies in Washington

What little chance we had of NSA reform died in Washington last week, under the banner of anti-terrorism.

The USA Freedom Act would have ended the government’s ability to bulk collect record collections, and other sweeping provisions. This act only needed 60 votes; it only received 58. Those who voted against the bill, mostly Republicans, argued without a strong NSA, terrorist groups like ISIL will be able to run rampant. Susan Collins, a Republican from Maine, said, “Why would we weaken the ability of our intelligence community at a time when the threats against this country have never been greater?? But those who voted for the bill, mostly Democrats and Civil Libertarians, dismissed such comments as fear mongering, and even hinted they used threats like ISIL to terrorize people into killing the bill. Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy responded, “This nation should not allow our liberties to be set aside by passing fears.” The USA Freedom Act was a devastating blow to privacy rights advocates and even technology companies. This was going to be the beginning of the end to NSA outreach, and with the Republicans taking over Congress in January 2015, it doesn’t look like the tide is going to turn anytime soon.

So I guess this is the end of this argument, right? I hope not. This is a conversation that needs to keep going, on all sides. I can give the bill killers a little credit. I understand the concern of ISIL and other terrorist groups who want to do nothing but kill and destroy. And they may have taken advantage of the USA Freedom Act to do just that. Then again, Leahy had a point: We can’t live in fear. I do believe the opposition pushed the fear card to give the NSA licenses to keep doing what they’re doing. Founding father Benjamin Franklin said it best: Those who are willing to give up freedom for security deserve neither. What do you think other founding fathers would say about the death of the USA Freedom Act?

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