Netflix Hide B Movie Habits

What will you watch on Netflix today? Will it be Leprechaun 3? Or maybe Silent Night Deadly Night 2? Or how about Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman? The next day, you’re too embarrassed to let anyone known you’ve indulged in this guilty pleasure. Netflix may be able to help your dilemma.

Netflix is now testing a private viewing mode. Any bad movie or TV show you choose won’t appear in your activity log. It won’t even give you recommendations to watch in the future. The feature is being tested in markets everywhere, and tests are expected to continue through several months. But don’t binge on bad movies and terrible TV just yet: these are just tests and by the end of it all, the feature may not even be offered at all.

Personally, I hope this is. Picture this scenario: I invite friends over for movie night, or to watch a major TV show premier or finale. As I’m uploading on Netflix, the movie Showgirls shows up on my big screen, or episodes of The Jerry Springer Show come on the screen. Whoops! I guess I better not binge on Dolomite and Blackula yet. I’m telling on myself way too much, aren’t I?

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