Top 10 Good Deed Technologies

A few days ago, a reported on an organization that uses technology for good and/or combats evil. Here are some more technologies and? organizations that are known for doing good? deeds.

10. Tres Des Hommes: This Dutch based child advocate group used recently used a fictionalized computer based young girl to catch over 1,000 potential predators. Hopefully these suspects will think twice.

9. Raspberry Pi: For around $40, Raspberry Pi helps children learn about computers. Computer use is critical for our next generation and this low cost guarantees all children have an opportunity for this much needed knowledge.

8. Idealist/Action Without Borders: This nonprofit organization allows people to post or get opportunities, interns or jobs to make a better world.

7. Donors Choose: Use this website to donate to your local public schools, or any public school of your choice. Since 2000, they’ve raised over 86 million dollars and helped over 5 million school kids.

6. Keepon: This yellow robot is used for interacting with children. This is especially good for children diagnosed with autism and other socially hindering disorders.

5. Pedometer: This helps with workouts and encourages physical activity, measuring everything from heart rate monitor to calories burned, fighting the good fight against obesity.

4. EFF/Electronic Frontier Foundation: This non-profit website teaches and advocates our rights as digital consumers, including our right to privacy and fair use. With all that’s going on, we could use EFF more than ever.

3. Feeding America: Are you aware 1 in 7 children in the US will go to bed hungry tonight? With this website, you can educate, donate,volunteer, advocate against the injustice of hunger in our own country.

2. Project C.U.R.E.: It’s one of the most respected charities in the world. It’s the largest donators of medical supplies the the poorer nations of the world.

1. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Their tireless efforts of philanthropy got them Time Person of the Year. They’ve tackles just about every global issue imaginable: education, medicine, getting good food and clean water to those who don’t have, and teaching them to thrive in their own community. It’s recent endowment is 36 billion dollars. That’s going to help a lot of people.

I can’t wait to hear of other technologies or organizations that are doing good in the community, nation and world.



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