My Favorite 10 Nintendo Games

In honor of the recent death of Nintendo founder Hiroshima Yamauchi, I’m naming my personal favorite Nintendo games of all-time. I’m old school, so all of these games are classics. I lost interest in Nintendo around the Wii era.

10. Final Fight (Super Nintendo): Not many people remember this one, but this was the flag game of Super Nintendo. The graphics and storyline were a lot better than Double Dragon, and the weapons, like knives and? pipes, were cool too.

9. Duck Hunt (Nintendo): The original NES flag game. I liked this game and put it on the list because you didn’t even need a remote. You shot the ducks with a toy gun. That dog got heck of annoying!

8. Mike Tyson Punch Out (Nintendo): One of the first, if not the first game modeled after a celebrity athlete. I took a while for me to get past King Hippo, but I never even made it to Mike Tyson. From what I saw, few people beat the game because with one punch, Tyson knocked you out. So like real life.

7. Tetris (Game Boy): One of the most addictive games of all-time. You play with blocks and get them to fit together, and the blocks speed up, so does the music. It’s a simple concept. I didn’t say it was an easy one.

6.Metroid (Nintendo): I put this one up for it’s theme music alone. It was a space game that told a great story, and the fact that it’s so out there kept me and other kids coming back.

5. Super Mario Kart (Super Nintendo): This gets my cute award. All the Super Mario characters race against each other on various courses. It’s addicting and one that’s easy to conquer.

4. Super Mario Brothers 2(Super Nintendo): My favorite version of the Super Mario series. It’s Super Mario meets Alice in Wonderland, giving it a trippy feeling. You could skip half the game to beat the game. At the game’s end, you’ll find out where that trip comes from.

3. Street Fighter (Super Nintendo): Fighting games were an early 90s craze, and Street Fighter was one of the best. Just 8-11 characters fighting to the death to beat the game. Who was your favorite character to play? Harrrraahh you Ken!

2. Mortal Kombat (Super Nintendo): This game was so violent that it inspired a video game rating system(E, E10, T, M, AO). Any game with the finishing move of tearing someone’s heart, spine, or brains out is going to cause buzz. Who was your favorite character to play? Get over here!

1. Legend of Zelda (Nintendo): It was one of the first game you could save, and you had to. If you didn’t, you’d be playing for hundreds of hours straight. The storyline was just that tight! The music was engaging. There was a surprise at every corner. It was challenging, but engaging. It took me years to overcome this game, but it was well worth it. And for 25 years, the Zelda saga continues.

Past or present, what are your favorite Nintendo games?

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